Tuesday, October 17, 2006


A Wastnawa Moment

You ever been doing something a little mindlessly, like slicing vegetables, something that requires more attention than you are giving at the moment, when you nearly cut yourself, and you say to yourself "Whew! That was close," but then your mind starts to wander again, and you find yourself thinking "what if I really DID cut myself just now, so severely as to be life-threatening, and now my mind has gone into deep denial, and I'm only dreaming that everything is normal, but I'm really lying on my kitchen floor, comatose and helpless, as the blood drains out of me and my life slowly ebbs away," but then you remember that some idiot ran a red light right in front of you that morning and nearly hit you, but maybe he really DID hit you and now you're lying unconscious in an ICU at some hospital, and you have tubes all running in and out of you and you're hooked up to one of those machines that beeps out your heart rate, and another that shows your brainwaves, and the doctor is saying "the first 24 hours are the most important, we're doing all we can for him" and everything you're seeing, hearing and thinking is just a defensive fabrication of your brain and isn't really happening to you?

No? Me neither.


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