Thursday, October 12, 2006
This One's For El Capitan......
El Capitan is a gun fancier. I'm more of a gun pragmatist. If I have it, it's because I either have an actual (or perhaps perceived)use for it, or did once upon a time. Or, maybe I'm just emotionally attached. So, with that in mind, here are my current favorites:
Now you can probably tell that that all of these are well-used. Especially the blades. I've never owned a knife I didn't actually cut stuff with. The upper one is an auto-opener I bought off a Detroit cop several years ago, and the other a knock around I often carry just in case. These are decidedly not self-defense weapons. I prefer to not allow the threatening troglodyte to get that close.
The nickel S&W 586 .357 Magnum was my old service revolver from 1981-1986, and those are the actual speedloaders I carried as well. The 586 was once blue steel, but enough rainstorms on motor duty led me to have it matte nickeled by a gunsmith.
The little guy is a Springfield XD-9 Sub-compact and is my everday concealed-carry weapon, loaded with 9mm SXT ammo.
The Ruger Mark II is a fun gun. Lots o' shooting for very little cash. A plinker.
The Winchester Model 94 was my late stepfather's, and is a pre-1952. Nice gun, but mostly sentimental value. Can't recall the last time it was fired.
The Remington 870 tactical shotgun has one purpose in life. Bush has his homeland security, and Crime Dog has his. It's close at hand 24/7, and always loaded with 3" Magnum 00 buckshot. Guaranteed to clean my hallways out with one trigger pull. God willing, I'll never actually use it.
Now you can probably tell that that all of these are well-used. Especially the blades. I've never owned a knife I didn't actually cut stuff with. The upper one is an auto-opener I bought off a Detroit cop several years ago, and the other a knock around I often carry just in case. These are decidedly not self-defense weapons. I prefer to not allow the threatening troglodyte to get that close.
The nickel S&W 586 .357 Magnum was my old service revolver from 1981-1986, and those are the actual speedloaders I carried as well. The 586 was once blue steel, but enough rainstorms on motor duty led me to have it matte nickeled by a gunsmith.
The little guy is a Springfield XD-9 Sub-compact and is my everday concealed-carry weapon, loaded with 9mm SXT ammo.
The Ruger Mark II is a fun gun. Lots o' shooting for very little cash. A plinker.
The Winchester Model 94 was my late stepfather's, and is a pre-1952. Nice gun, but mostly sentimental value. Can't recall the last time it was fired.
The Remington 870 tactical shotgun has one purpose in life. Bush has his homeland security, and Crime Dog has his. It's close at hand 24/7, and always loaded with 3" Magnum 00 buckshot. Guaranteed to clean my hallways out with one trigger pull. God willing, I'll never actually use it.