Wednesday, October 26, 2005


The Ol' Cave City Smack Down

Sorry to see Houston flame out last night. I really wanted to see them win the Series, but I think it'll be another century before anybody comes back from an 0-3 deficit to win a World Series.

I got whacked in my comments for basically being a whiner yesterday by Kate The Amorphous Muse, which was refreshing. Turns out she's an educator and blogger from just down the road from the ol' home town. I get the feeling Kate doesn't brook a lot of nonsense in her classroom. I would have loved having a Parrothead school teacher back in the day, but they hadn't been invented yet. Kate and I probably crossed paths at some point. I was a high school wrestler, and used to get my ass kicked regularly by one of the Stoltzfus brothers down there at Carlsbad High in '71. Those guys were good.

MOTM is still up in the air. I've been listening to US-1 Radio this morning, and it sounds like some folks have it pretty rough in the Keys. One thing is clear though, spirits are high and they are working hard to get back to normal.

Here's another sure thing: This Crime Dog will be on vacation next week, even if I'm dangling my paws in my own swimming pool and enjoying a cold frosty beverage from my little floating cooler. Kate's right, see? We Zonies have a great thing going. And work sucks, whether you're a fraud investigator, school teacher, CEO, cop, or a Caribbean island-hopping flying boat pilot hauling Corona and moonlighting as a Playboy photographer. OK, that last one actually sounds kind of cool, but you get the drift. You gotta get away and get some space once in a while.

So, here's to the folks in Key West and the MOTM organizers! We all know you're doing your best, and hope to see you next week!


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