Monday, October 17, 2005


Crime Dog Needs.....

OK, so I fell prey to the same stupid game all the other bloggers are playing. It must be cool or AZ Cheesehead and El Capitan wouldn't be in, right? You just type your name and the word "needs" in quotes, then list the first ten responses. Mine got kind of entertaining.....

1) Crime Dog needs your help.
2) The Crime Dog needs to be put down.
3) The Crime Dog needs to take his magnifying glass and go burn some ants or
4) Crime Dog needs to be put to sleep.
5) Crime Dog needs to stick around long enough to get his sorry ass to 600 HR.
6) Crime Dog to restore order in Baghdad.
7) Johnny had seen a McGruff the Crime Dog commercial earlier in the day.
8) Crime Dog needs to do a voice-over about this one.

That's it. There wasn't ten to list. In fact, Google only had four hits. It took Yahoo, Mamma, Lycos, and Ask Jeeves to even reach eight.

Hell, I might have had only eight, but mine were cool. And besides, I'm still the number one Google hit for the search phrase "great ass-cam adventure ride."

Just try to beat that.


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