Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Mr. President! Please Put Down The Bible and Step Slowly Away!

Hey, who's that feller over yonder? Don't he look like
he'd make a fair to middlin' Treasury Secretary?

OK, that's it. I've had enough. I need someone to come over here and kick my ass soundly for ever voting for and supporting George Bush.Twice.

I trusted this pinhead to be the man who would restore dignity to the White House after eight years of Clinton drilling interns and lying about it. Dignity? This White House has plumbed new depths of distrust and disrespect throughout the world, unheard of since Tricky Dick pulled the plug in '74 and save us the trouble of impeaching his crooked ass. I trusted him to work for a smaller government. We now have the biggest government since FDR and The New Deal. I trusted him on WMDs. Wrong again. I vehemently disagreed on going to war in Iraq, but I trusted him to get it done right and quickly. Wrong yet again.

And I trusted him, even though I knew he wasn't the sharpest tool in the political shed, to appoint the best and the brightest to help him out. Sure, he chose wisely on some, but then he also appointed some dude who used to run a horse show to be FEMA Director. It wasn't until we got hammered by this big bitch Katrina that we found out Mike Brown didn't know a hurricane from a blow job. At least Clinton got that right.

But hey, what the hell? Brown is gone. Bush learned his lesson. Right? Wrong again, matey. Now he selects Harriet Miers as a Supreme Court nominee.


Try to find four people who knew just who the hell Harriet Miers was before last week, and Bush family members don't count. I'll wait..........tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock........What's that? Can't find anybody? Well, that's really surprising, considering the most glowing item on her resume is that of being a former Chair of the Texas State Lottery Commission. Hmmm, wonder who gave her that gig? Oh, at least she's a lawyer, and apparently really, really, really smart. But one thing you won't find on her resume is the word "judge."

So, what this means is that the list of people with better Supreme Court qualifications than Harriet Miers includes:

1) Joe Brown
2) Judy Sheindlin
3) Jeffrey Langton
4) Donald Thompson
5) John Rizzo

How did he pick her? Did he just close his eyes and wander the halls of the West Wing, picking the first person he bumped into? Did he throw a dart? Or maybe he just flipped open the White House phone directory at random, closed his eyes, and blindly stuck his finger to a name on the page. Or perhaps it goes deeper than that, all the way back to early April:

Sheeeeeit, Harriet ol' gal! I'll betcha a Supreme Court nomination that the Texas Rangers make the playoffs this year!

More likely, he went on a three day bender, woke up one morning, grabbed the newspaper, and said:

I nominated WHO?

I wonder where Harriet Miers, an evangelical Christian, comes down on Roe v Wade? Gee, now that's a real mystery.


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