Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I Need A Plan B

Meeting of the Minds might have blown away with Wilma. Or, more aptly, floated away with Wilma's surge. Whoa....that sounds like a porn movie:

Wilma's Surge, starring Honeydew Melons and Cinnamon Styck, Cumming Soon!

Aaargh. Now what? As of this posting, the powers that be have not even cancelled Fantasy Fest, so I guess there's some hope. You know they have to be scrambling like madmen down there to get everything up and running. Two of their biggest events are in danger of going away, along with the gazillions of dollars we all haul down there with us.

So, it's time to get Plan B ready for action. Only problem is.......I ain't got one. It's not like I can just not go on vacation, is it? I mean, the preparation for and anticipation of a vacation builds up a sort of mental storm surge of its own. Once it starts flowing, there ain't enough mental sand bags to hold it back. It's just gotta happen.

Or maybe it's more like a speeding car. That car starts moving slowly a couple weeks before the vacation, headed inexorably towards the fun and escapism. By the time you get to that last few days of work, the car is hauling ass about 100mph. Slam on the brakes now, and good luck. You're going through the windhield and sliding on your face across the asphalt.

My mental car is already moving too fast, and the metaphorical bridge to Key West is under repair! I need a Plan B! We already did Ajo this year, so that's out. The east and southeast are either too cold or too wet. Just got back from Texas.......



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