Thursday, October 27, 2005


Ready Or Not, Here We Come!

The news seems much better coming out of Key West, so there will be quite the phlocking of Parrotheads down there next week. I plan to be amongst them. You know, the bars down there stockpiled a lot of booze so they could be ready for Fantasy Fest and Meeting of the Minds back to back. Since Fantasy Fest is now postponed until December, we Parrotheads have to pick up the slack and help Key West get rid of all that excess hootch.

It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

Last night, I hit my favorite local phriendly place to waste away - Teakwoods Tavern in Gilbert. There I hung with my buddies B.O., Springerville Gene, and B-17 Bob, a retired airline pilot. (In this spot, I earlier told a great story that B-17 Bob related that had us all laughing, but in retrospect, I'm pulling it until he gives the OK. He's a very cool guy I don't wanna offend. I owe you a beer, B-17Bob!) B-17 Bob used to fly a B-17 for the Confederate Air Force, (now the "Commemorative Air Force") and owns a couple of planes of his own. One of them is some sort of jet powered gizmo that costs like $1,000 per hour to operate, but goes really really high and really really fast. That got B.O. salivating, so now the two of them are planning to go flying. I got better things to do with my $1,000 than strap my ass into a rocket powered tube and spend an hour puking into a paper sack, so I'll leave that little adventure to B.O. and B-17 Bob.

Well, better get busy. Gotta clear the decks since I'm gonna be off all next week, and the thieves never take a day off.


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