Friday, May 20, 2005


Bring On That Other Texas Team!

Steve Nash gives Dirk Nowitzki the universal "you're a jagoff" sign.

Poor Dirk. The Suns punked him and his teammates on their own court to earn a trip to the Western Conference Finals. A bunch of us Parrotheads were watching the game at a Phoenix watering hole and, of course, knew way more than Mike D'Antoni about how to coach the team in the final minutes. Stan was yelling at the television to run the clock out, while I was ordering it to shoot the damned ball. In the meantime, Jeff The Golf God was more interested in overall clock management. Of course, everybody took every available opportunity to make fun of Dirk Nowitzki, calling him a pussy, making fun of whatever boo-boo he happened to be nursing at the moment, calling him "Jerk" instead of "Dirk," you know the drill. We whacked Mark Cuban, the Mavericks' owner, just as badly.

But for all of our coaching, planning, screaming, and ranting and raving about who fouled who, who sucked, who couldn't hit a free throw, who put up air balls, and who missed layups, it all came down to one thing:

Our white dude was better than their white dude.

Our white dude hit the three pointer that sent the game into overtime, causing their white dude to melt down and scream at his teammate. Their white dude missed a 3-pointer at the end of overtime, and our white dude took the rebound, got fouled, and then calmly drained two free throws. And our white dude used to be their white dude.

Wow. Sucks to be a Mavs fan about now.


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