Monday, June 05, 2006
The Long, Hot Summer Has Arrived
Yeah, but it's a dry heat.
Sheesh! What's a Parrothead to do these days? 24's Jack Bauer has been literally Shanghaied onto a slow boat to China until next Fall. House is dead....or isn't he? American Idol is history for several months. I have no idea what happened to The Mythbusters. I'm beginning to believe they are urban legends. The Sopranos season ended last night, so obody is getting whacked till next year. Those wild and crazy polygamists from Big Love are disappearing for a while, just as the evil prophet played by Harry Dean Stanton gets a leg up. That dude makes Warren Jeffs look like a rank amateur.
And now, the HORROR! The Suns have been eliminated two wins short of the NBA Finals.
So, it's float in the pool in the evenings while watching the Diamondbacks make a run at the NL West. Yes, I actually have a TV out by the pool. What better place to spend the evenings while the sun sets and this pizza-oven of a valley starts cooling down? The mercury on my patio yesterday read 114 degrees. Fry an egg on the sidewalk? Shee-it. Drop it from shoulder height and that little glob of albumen is cooked before it even reaches the sidewalk.
Better stock up on cold beer. It's 17 weeks till October......Time again to break out the ol' "It's So Hot" jokes, but we really could use some new ones:
It's so hot,
Birds are using potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
The trees are whistling for dogs.
The best parking spaces are determined by shade, not distance.
The squirrels are fanning their nuts.
Dogs are still chasing cats, but they're both walking.