Monday, March 27, 2006


*&^%$#@ Typos!

I'm a stickler for proofreading. I hate typos and misspellings, and avoid them like the plague. My last post was no exception. Read it. Read it again. And again. Satisfied, I pushed the "publish" button. What I failed to proofread was the stupid headline, which read Parroheads. I just now caught it and fixed it. Dumbass. The only saving grace was that Cheesehead, who had already published a comment, either did not catch it or was kind enough to cut me a break. I'm guessing it was the latter, since she's a little bit on the retentive side on that subject as well. She nailed me last week on an email, and that one was still gathering commentary at the Salsa Challenge on Saturday.

Thank you, Mrs. Robinson.


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