Monday, September 08, 2008


You Had To Be There

So Friday night a few of us decided to go out to a Red Lobster for the "Endless Shrimp" special and try to break the bank. We failed miserably in that regard, but it was the set up that was the most fun, anyway. I called Wayner to tell him when and where to meet, but he didn't answer. So I called Steve-O. He said he and Rocky were at home, so just call him again when we left for the Fiesta Mall Red Lobster, probably around 5:30. He lives so close to Fiesta Mall he could swing a cat and hit it, so he would go over and get on the seating list. TFMCD got home, and she said she thought we were going to the Gilbert Red Lobster. About that time, Wayner called back, so I told him we'd meet him in Gilbert. Then, TFMCD and I discussed it further and determined Fiesta was the best location after all. So I called Wayner back and told him to meet us at Fiesta. I called Steve-O to tell him we were leaving, but he didn't answer. No problem. I didn't need to leave a message. He'd see the missed call, know why I had called, and head over to Red Lobster to get on the seating list. That's when the texting started. Rocky and TFMCD sometimes prefer texting to dialing. It went someting, but not verbatim, like this:

Rock: Where are we going for dinner?

TFMCD (puzzled): Red Lobster!

Rock: Which one?

TFMCD (How can she not know?): Fiesta Mall

Rock: I'll go over and get on the list.

TFMCD: So where's Steve-O?

Rock: He'll come later. He stepped in cat vomit.

TFMCD: (laughing): EWWWWW!

Rock: Yeah, he's really, really mad.

Guess that explained why she didn't know where we were going. She was just trying to her ass out of the house after Steve-o squashed a pile of cat puke.

We all somehow managed to ultimately arrive at the same Red Lobster at about the same time. Now, when I went to CB's memorial Happy Hour the previous night, I found that I had somehow managed to wear the exact same shirt and shorts as Wayner, and everybody made fun of us. At the Red Lobster, Steve-O walked in wearing the exact same shirt and shorts as me. I must be a real trendsetter.

And I would be remiss if I failed to mention how proud Wayner was that he ate 62 shrimp. Just ask him. He'll tell you. I caught up with ZMan (who works for Red Lobster)at a local watering hole yesterday to watch the Cowboy game, and he told he once did 123. How is it skinny guys can eat so much?


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