Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Mobile Phone Woes

So, I drowned another cell phone this past weekend. Left it in the cargo pocket on a pair of shorts and washed the shorts. By my count, this is about my fourth phone this year.

There was the infamous beer baggie incident, then a cell phone in the swim suit incident, and now the washing machine incident.

So this time,, I bought a big ass cell phone that will be so annoyingly obvious in my pocket it will be virtually impossible to carry it that way. It's pretty cool. You can even watch TV on it, so long as you have a magnifying glass and a set of headphones. One thing I like about is what they call a "mobile email" feature. I can easily check my email from my mobile phone without having to screw around with its web browser, which once again requires the aforementioned magnifying glass, along with the patience of a saint to use.

Only one problem: It doesn't work.

Oh, it worked for a while, then would no longer access my Yahoo email account. Now, I'm no tech support genius from New Delhi, but I figured out pretty quick that the problem was not the phone. I have two Yahoo email accounts, and the phone works perfectly with the other, phone problem. I also know there is not a password problem, since the application worked briefly. I also have no problem accessing my Yahoo mail from my PC.

I deleted the Yahoo account from my phone, and just to be sure, went back into my Yahoo account on my PC and changed the password. Then, set up the mobile email account for that email address and voila! It worked!

For a while. Then it stopped again. I deleted the mobile account again, but it didn't help. It won't even let me set it up now. There is obviously a problem with that particular Yahoo account.

I went to Yahoo's "help site," which is basically a chat room. The best advice "Erin" could give was "contact your cell carrier," despite my assurances that I had already done so, and that besides, if the other Yahoo email works just fine, how could it be a phone problem?

So, I logged off that senseless chat and logged on another with a different tech later. "Contact Yahoo Mobile," he says. So, I fill out this stupid form, explain the problem in detail, and send it in. The genius who responded sends me an email, to the problematic Yahoo account, suggesting I have a password problem. If there's a passowrd problem, how the hell was I supposed to get his email telling me there is a password problem?

So I called the password guy, gave him the facts, and he says "That's stupid. How could you have a password problem if you can access your email from your PC?" I told him I figured that one out two days ago.

His suggestion for a fix? Fill out that stupid form for Yahoo Mobile again.

I've heard it said that the definition of insanity is: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I must be outta my friggin' mind.


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