Monday, March 17, 2008


Puttin' The Band Together

Whew! What a weekend! Is it Monday already? This was one of those weekends where you stay so busy that it's over before you know it, and now you need a day off to rest up from your weekend. Know what I mean?

TFMCD and Unruly Julie have now both secured ownership of steel pans, both tenors tuned to a low C....I hope that means they can play effectively together, but knowing absolutely squat about steel pans, none of us will know until they can actually try it. I'm guessing one can play the music as arranged, and the other can take it either up or down a half or full step, but I am in reality musically illiterate and have no clue if what I just said even makes any sense to a guy like.....oh, I dunno, maybe Robert Greenidge.

TFMCD is much more artistically inclined than I am, so with a few lessons and practice, she will have caught and passed me by while I continue to drill and wear grooves in my fingers on my guitar strings.

Let's see: In our circle of good phriends, we now have guitars galore, steel pans, ukulele, bass.....we need drums. I hear the Pirate Captain will soon be the proud and percussive owner of a conga....or was it some other drum? Hell if I know the difference, but it's cool whichever it is. Now, if we can just find him a two-toned Ricky Ricardo jacket (Juuuuuulie! You got some splainin' to do!), we might have ourselves a garage trop-rock-calypso-surf-rock-trailer park band.

The Thursday night pre-Parrot Grande penthouse party will never be the same again.


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