Thursday, January 04, 2007


I Need A Statistician

I can't quite figure out whether my iPod's "shuffle" isn't as random as advertised, or if perhaps I have encountered a one in a gazillion chance selection of cuts.

I currently have 866 songs on the thing. Of the first 25 songs selected on "shuffle" this afternoon while I slaved away at my work computer, five were from the only Hanna's Reef album on it. The album has fourteen songs.

So, can someone tell me what the odds are that Hanna's Reef would play in a random selection of songs at positions 3, 8, 12, 19, and 25, with a total of 833 songs from which to select? I'm wondering if I should be buying lottery tickets. Or maybe I should get my iPod to select cases for me on Deal Or No Deal.

Go ahead. I can wait. It's not like it's a bad deal. Hell, I love Hanna's Reef.

P.S. I have four Mulligan albums on here, and he didn't get picked until just now, at position 63. Where's the justice?


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