Saturday, December 31, 2005


And Now, For A Public Service Announcement:

Man, I've been so busy lately, you'd think the Blog fodder was just rolling in. But I got nothing. It happens sometimes.

Oh, there is this little gem:

Those of you headed over here to Crime Dog's Margaritaville West Cement Pond and Tiki Bar for the annual New Year's Eve bash need to know that things have been delayed a little. If you hadn't already heard, 2005 has had one second added to it. A "leap second." Hence, you'll need to add one second to your own plans for the evening. If you were planning to arrive at 7:00:00PM, we'll need you to change your plans to arrive at 7:00:01. Otherwise, the whole damned thing will get thrown out of kilter and God knows what will happen. Hurricanes and tsunamis. Earthquakes. Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening. Kids born with three arms, flooding in the Sahara, computers crashing the world over a la the milennium bug. Cardinals making the playoffs......OK, well, some things are just too far fetched, but you get my drift.

Anyway, when you come around the corner, headed to my house, just tap your brakes once or twice, and everything should be just fine.

And if somehow you didn't get the message that there's a party here tonight, well, now you know. You're invited. Really. Get your ass over here. We got my world class posole and chili, adult beverages, a handicapped ping-pong and darts tournament, a rousing game of "Scene It?," and who knows what else the evening will stir up?

So, it's so long to 2005. Don't let the door hit you in the ass. It's been a tough year for the Crime Dog clan. We lost Mom, my Aunt Kat sailed into the mystic a few weeks later, Missy B left us and crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and now we're all concentrating our energies on North Dallas and Wayners and Janners. 2006 will be better, no question about it.

From the bottom of the whole entire Crime Dog clan's heart, may we wish you and yours the very brightest and prosperous New Year!

How 'bout that? Guess I really did have something.


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