Friday, December 09, 2005
All She Wanted Was A Schoolboy Hard Heart
Debra Lafave at Fantasy Fest: Maybe next she can school her female students on the fine art of body painting.
A judge in Florida has rejected a plea bargain from Debra Lafave that would have allowed the 25-year-old schoolteacher to avoid prison for having consensual sex with one of her students, a 14-year-old boy.
It's hard to believe they even considered a plea bargain for this woman. I mean, if that was a male teacher and a 14-year-old girl, they'd have already hacked off his gonads with a dull, rusty rip saw, then put him in the hole down there in one of those Florida prisons where he'd just be another ass-monkey with a real purty mouth. (Hey, it's another name that source moment!)
It's stories like this that chap my ass good. This really winds me up! There are a lot of unanswered questions here: What in God's name is happening in this country of ours? Is this the wave of the future? How did this woman get hired? Where was the background and psychological screening? Where are our values? Where was the school administration when this was happening? And finally, the most important question of ALL:
Where the hell were teachers like this when I was fourteen??? I was CHEATED!