Wednesday, September 21, 2005


My Heart Is In Texas

Man, this Rita is one badass bitch. She hit Category 5 faster than George Bush can deny the existence of global warming. She's headed straight for the same place I'm headed next week. Well, as it stands right now, anyway. Not much point in going to Rockport if it's gone.

OK, Mr. President, are you beginning to think there's something to this whole global warming thing? OK, I know, I know, nobody seems to be able to prove indisputably just yet whether or not it's a manmade problem. Maybe it's just that our over-consuming asses are like a virus on the planet - an infection of sorts. Now, the planet has a fever, and its immune system has kicked in and is doing its level best to eradicate the infection by blowing, baking, drying, starving and flooding us into oblivion. What's next? Super flu? A Stephen King-like apocalyptic Captain Trips? Nut case dictators with nuclear weapons? Oh wait.....we already have that one.

I got my electric bill yesterday and damned near had a coronary. It was $460, an all-time record, and I know the vast majority of that went for air conditioning this place. It takes an assload of energy to cool this kind of square footage down from 110 to 78. I have not one but two air conditioners, one for each end of the Casa de Crime Dog, and I'm guessing that together they suck just about a ten-spot a day right out of my wallet. Tough to complain though. At least I'm not sleeping on a cot down at Veteran's Memorial Coliseum, or in the Astrodome.

And speaking of the Astrodome - we moved thousands of folks in there to get them out of New Orleans. Now, here comes a possibly even more powerful storm, headed right for 'em. They gotta be wondering abot now just what the hell they did to piss off the hurricane gods so badly.

So what's a Parrothead to do? What else? Grab a beer and hunker down. Cooler weather is comin', and that'll run all these bastard hurricanes off and give our A/Cs a break. I figure I got it pretty good.


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