Friday, March 09, 2007
The Exhibition is PEOPLE! It's PEEEEO-PLE!!!!!
Am I the only one that's a little bit creeped out by that human body display thing they got going over at the Arizona Science Center? I was disinterestedly cool with it until I found out the displays are real people. Real dead people. In both senses of the word real, even.
Now, don't get me wrong. People without clothes on don't bother me all that much. Hell, with some folks, I'm all for it. But once you've skinned and freeze-dried them, for God's sake, throw a housecoat on 'em. It just goes a wee bit beyond the pale for The Crime Dog. I make no judgments about it, have no ethical concerns whatsoever. If it's not my body out there, then my Don't Give A Shit-O-Meter stays pretty much in the red. It's just weird, that's all.
Now, understand that I've been to countless suicide, homicide, accidental death, and natural death scenes in my day. I can eat a sandwich while the body guys scrape some dude off the asphalt, no problem. But take some guy, skin him, and freeze his dead ass doing a handstand off a skateboard, and I'll just go have a beer instead. Let me know when you're done.
Just my thought for the day.