Wednesday, September 27, 2006


The Steve Goodman Connection.....

Should be evident right here! I'm guessing late 70's?

Wonder what Steve and Jimmy are singing here? It could have been any of the Goodman songs that Jimmy recorded, or that the two of them co-wrote:

Banana Republics
This Hotel Room
It's Midnight and I'm Not Famous Yet
Woman Going Crazy On Caroline Street

Or maybe it was the folk standard City of New Orleans. I kind of like to think it was that one. My good phriend .11 will insist that it's You Never Even Call Me By My Name, since he never passes up the opportunity to sing it on karaoke night.

But what the hell? Let's just say this picture is Jimmy Buffett and Steve "Chicago Shorty" Goodman performing a rousing rendition of Go Cubs Go. That'll give happy thoughts to our good phriend at Wait Till Next Year. After all, in 1984, the year Steve Goodman wrote that song, the Cubbies came within a game of the World Series!


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