Monday, November 28, 2005


The Beatle In Concert!!

Almost forgot - Pab wanted a concert review....

It was good. McCartney rocks.

Seriously, it was the first and most likely the only (former) Beatles concert of my life. And I must say, with apologies to my fellow Parrotheads, that this was probably the best concert I've ever seen. Really. That includes The Big Man.

While Jimmy does "Songs We All Know By Heart", McCartney does "Songs The Whole Freakin' World Knows By Heart". I thought I would need to perform CPR on TFMCD when he sang Blackbird, and she needed to do me the rest of the concert. Especially Band On The Run and all of the selections from Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. And let me tell you something - you have not lived until you have sang the chorus of Hey Jude with 29,999 other people, all at the direction of Paul McCartney, and got the living shit scared out of you by the fireworks and sheer volume of Live and Let Die.

Finally, let me say this about McCartney in concert: The man was unexceptionally true to the orginal arrangements of every song he played. Jimmy likes to swap out verses with more modern or humorous versions like "It's filled up with Elmer's Glue", or "I think some people in this crowd got high", or even "I broke my leg twice", but McCartney sang even the oldies like it was 1965 again.

And I, for one, appreciated it. And sang till I was hoarse.

Thanks, Paul. Keep it up.


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