Thursday, June 16, 2005


Yet Another Meaningless Post

OK, so there's actually six. So sue me. I added Slingblade at the last second because I enjoy talking like him so much. Ah-ight then.
Y'know, I hate those posts where the blogger spouts off his/her favorite songs, the greatest live albums ever recorded, top 10 Indie films, the best commercials of all time, the most beautiful women in the world, or top rutabaga recipes in the galaxy. Nobody gives a shit, because the writer is just another dumbass with a keyboard and some time to spare. But this time, it's different. Somebody actually asked.

Some time ago, I published my list of the "Top Ten Parrothead Phriendly Movies of All Time". It didn't go over so well, since a few phriends absolutely despise Rancho Deluxe. So this time, I'll just stick with opinionated bullshit. Not the best, just my favorite. There's no debating taste, y'know.

So, without further adieu, I give you the Crime Dog's Five Favorite Movies of All Time. In no particular order:

1) The Blues Brothers
2) Pulp Fiction
3) Animal House
4) Field of Dreams
5) The Godfather

These are the five movies that, no matter the situation, no matter what else is on or what I'm looking for as I surf through the channels, if I come across them in the process, I must stop and watch them for at least a few minutes. I can recite nearly every line from every one.

And I do, too.

Drives The Fetching Mrs Crime Dog bonkers. Sorry, babe, it's just in my nature.....


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