Thursday, June 16, 2005


Oh, And Before Anybody Asks:

Oh, and before anybody asks:

1) Favorite Song - Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season
2) Best Live Album Ever Recorded - Pretty much anything from the old Fillmore days.
3) Best Indie Films - I dunno, but Pulp Fiction, Lone Star, and
Memento are all on the list.
4) Best commercials of all time - Who gives a shit? They're commercials.
5) Most beautiful woman - Excluding women I know and/or love, of course (last thing
I need is to get my ass kicked over a stupid blog), it's Sarah McLachlan. The
rest of the field is nowhere close. Beauty+voice+class=Wow.
6) Top Rutabaga Recipe - Z-Man's Rutabaga Margarita at Cafe Posada. Make sure and
tell him to bruise the rutabaga before blending, and add a splash of


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