Monday, February 14, 2005


Raggit The Reluctant Rocket Rodent

Raggit the gerbil, none the worse for wear,
performs "I Got Dem Ol' Felchin' Blues Again, Mama."

You gotta love a story that's so hysterical that even the teller can't get through it without cracking up. That was the case with the "She hit him with her bible" story we posted here a few days ago. Well, now comes this little clip where the news broadcaster tries valiantly to keep his cool while reading the story - with little success. Now, I really hope this story is true, because it's too damned funny not to be. Sit back and enjoy. Just make sure you aren't eating or drinking anything while listening. I was, and I passed nearly an entire cheeseburger and a cold draft beer through my nose.



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