Wednesday, May 14, 2008


An Appeal To Conscientious Fathers Of Pre-Teen and Teenaged Daughters

Hear my plea.


If you have a young teen daughter, and a soul, and a sense of ethics you must do your part to save us all.

By all that is good and holy, you must take away their cell phones for the next few weeks, or at least on Tuesday nights from 7:00PM through 9:00PM Central. Only this can save us from the travesty that is David Archuleta.

C'mon Dad! You know the only thing keeping Archuleta afloat on American Idol is the pitter-patter of your pre-pubescent daughter's heart and the buttons on her cell phone. You know that little annoying dork Archuleta could become the most nauseating entertainer since Donny Osmond. And Osmond is still around over three decades later! Is that what you want? You know that that the real star here is David Cook, a guy that even you and I might actually pay to watch. Isn't that prospect more appealing than ferrying an SUV full of giggling 12-year-olds to a David Archuleta concert?

So, Dad, do the right thing. Don't let your little cherub anywhere near a phone during the two hours following American Idol. We're all counting on you.

P.S. Is it just me, or does the little shaver look perpetually stoned, with those droopy-ass eyelids?


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