Friday, February 16, 2007


Here's Your Sign

My son walked into the kitchen and picked up a book lying on the bar. The title of the book, which was adorned with a festive purple cover showing a beautiful pre-teen princess, was titled The Tiara Club: Princess Charlotte and the Birthday Ball. So he asks me, "Is this Ladybug's book?"

No. It's mine. But I'm almost finished, and she can read it when I'm done. Here's your sign.

That evening, we met Wayner and Janner for dinner at Anzio Landing in Mesa. We checked in and got that little pager thing that notifies you when your table is ready. Wayner looks into the bar and asks Janner "Do you want a drink?"

No. I became a Jehovah's Witness today while you were at work. Here's your sign.


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