Thursday, June 22, 2006


Now That The Days Are Shorter, Does That Mean It Will Get Cooler?

Ah, yes. Summer is officially here. The longest day of the year has passed. Mark it on your calendars. Each day will get progressively shorter. Only 84 days till the NFL season opens. That's something to think about, now that Mark Cuban has had his ass handed to him by Dwyane Wade and the Miami Heat. Nice going, Cuban: $1.5 million in fines, and you're still the NBA's first loser. Can you imagine that? Dude is fined $1.5 million and it doesn't leave a mark on him. If The Crime Dog was fined that amount, he'd have to work free for something around 20 years. Hey, Cuban! You would have won if you still had Nash, you horse's ass!

I had a couple of now traditional Wednesday brews last night with B.O. and Pirate Rick down at the usual watering hole: Teakwoods in Gilbert. Wayners didn't show, nor did .11. I'm not sure how to write off their failures to appear: no time, no kitchen pass, or the usual old-guy excuse - I forgot. OK, boys and don't need me to remind you. Get your asses down to Teak's each Wednesday at at about 5:00PM, and you will be provided with non-judgmental ears to hear your humpday complaints. You will also get ample supplies of adult beverages and perhaps, maybe, possibly, you just never know, some hula-hooping, beer-pouring servers.

TFMCD and I caught the new America's Got Talent last night. Doubtless America does have talent, but the producers think there ain't none of us what knows proper grammar, given that there title. The show is a sort of Chuck Barris meets Simon Cowell, or maybe a Ted Mack's /Gong Show hybrid. And if you remembered who Ted Mack was without clicking that link, you deserve a Timex from John Cameron Swayze himself.

Anyway, there might not have been a great deal of talent on stage, but there was a great deal of entertainment. I'm still laughing at the ventriloquist and his two big bird puppets, but I'm also guessing that was his very best schtick. Now, he's screwed because he has nothing to come back with. The judges were way too easy, except for the Limey. Simon Cowell seems to have set the standard that every talent show has to have one prick Englishman as a judge. They passed some very strange acts, including a guy with bicycle horns stuck all over himself and another who performed "Wipeout" by snapping his fingers. And was that Siegfried-looking dude with the dogs great or what? I gotta get one of those shark outfits for Scully. By and large, these acts were the kind you'd expect to see perhaps at Mallory Square or Venice Beach, but a lot of fun nonetheless.

You can catch clips of the dog guy (and a few others) here. He's worth the time to go over there and watch, trust me!


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